ACL Award for Excellence in Creating Technology-Based Educational Resources

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In Latin and Greek classrooms, teachers rely on digital resources to engage and inspire students, support diverse learning styles, and make content relevant and accessible to all learners. This award, created by the American Classical League, aims to celebrate the creators of outstanding digital resources, which make Classics teaching more effective and Classics learning more exciting. 

The American Classical League welcomes nominations of the creators of any digital or online resource that supports and enhances the teaching and learning of Latin and Greek languages and cultures. The resource should be an open educational resource (OER) that takes advantage of appropriate technologies to assist students in learning classical languages, reading and responding to Latin and Greek literature, exploring the diverse products, practices, and perspectives of Greek and Roman cultures, and/or recognizing the continuing reception of the Greek and Roman world. Each digital resource will be assessed for its ease of use, its depth of content, its potential for student engagement, its accessibility to all students, and its ability to motivate continued learning.

Nomination process

A nominee must: 

  • Be nominated by an active ACL member via the online nomination form. Self-nominations are accepted.
  • Complete the nomination form, including the questions about authorship.
  • Provide three testimonials from teachers and students about how they have used this resource and why it is worthy of commendation.  (Please send these three testimonials in PDF format via email to
  • Provide the ACL Technology Committee full access to the digital resource(s).

Digital Resources must:

  • Directly support the teaching and learning of Classics
  • Be widely available to teachers and students (an Open Educational Resource)
  • May be an app, blog, multimedia or interactive resource, video, website, etc. 
  • Be original, giving proper credit to all sources and collaborators

Use this nomination form. 


The deadline to submit applications will be April 1.

Review process

All digital educational resources submitted will be evaluated by the ACL Technology Committee.

Each digital resource will be assessed for:

  • ease of use
  • depth of content
  • potential for student engagement
  • accessibility to all students
  • ability to motivate continued learning
  • level of originality

This committee will report directly to the ACL Awards Committee chair.


  • The winners shall receive a plaque noting their contribution, be recognized at the next ACL Institute, and be featured in the ACL Newsletter and ACL Social Media.
  • They will be invited to present or exhibit at the next ACL Institute.
  • They will receive a $500 cash prize or free registration and housing at the next ACL Institute.
  • Information on accessing the award-winning resource will be made available on the ACL website.




The American Classical League

860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013
Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742

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