$50.00 for ACL Members
$25.00 for Retired teachers, contingent faculty, and full-time undergraduate or graduate students.
TO REGISTER: Go to MEMBER LOGIN at the top of this page. If you do not have an account on site, select REGISTER. Proceed to VIEW MY PROFILE. Your ACL membership must be current to register, and you can confirm that at the top of your profile page. If your ACL membership is listed as expiring before 2021, please renew your membership, then proceed to Institute registration.
ACL's COVID Relief Fund can help with registration costs. Follow the link to request funding.
When you checkout, you will have the opportunity to donate to the COVID relief fund. Any donations will help members in need.
Two Live Broadcast Plenary Sessions, free of charge and open to all ACL Members.
Recorded and posted on ACL website
Welcome address and The State of ACL
Mary Pendergraft, ACL President and Professor of Classics, Wake Forest University

Keynote Address: Phuc Tran, Latin Teacher, Tatooer, and Author of SIGH, GONE: A Misfit’s Memoir of Great Books, Punk Rock, and the Fight To Fit In.

Dozens of Sessions for Registered Attendees
- A few pre-recorded sessions available on demand throughout Institute.
- Live sessions available at scheduled times, recorded, and posted during Institute.
- Recordings of all sessions will remain available to registered attendees through Sunday, July 11 2021.
Discussion, Networking, and Mentoring
- Round Table Discussions featuring topical discussions.
- Affinity Groups available to allow open discussion among registered attendees.
- ACL Digital Happy Hours return!
- THE Piano Sing-Along continues. Digital song sheets available.
- Breaks for visiting virtually, frequenting exhibitors, playing games and door prizes.
Professional Development available
- Continuing Education Units from Miami University at no charge.
- One graduate credit from Ashland University for $286.00.
Register using this link.
ACL Virtual Institute Schedule updated 06/09/21
The schedule is a work in progress. Check back and see what events have been added.