Submissions are welcome on all aspects of teaching and learning Classical subjects at all levels, as well as scholarly topics. 

Submission types:

  • Presentation: (30 or 60 minutes)  Speakers present information organized around a particular topic. Examples might include describing how to implement a teaching methodology, sharing new discoveries at an archaeological site, or offering reflections on a particular author, etc. The presentation should include time for questions from the audience.questions from the audience.
  • Panel Presentation: (60 or 90 minutes) This session has at least three presenters addressing a single topic from multiple perspectives.  At least one-third of the time allotted should be reserved for discussion.
  • Workshop: (60 or 90 minutes) Speakers present information, demonstrate a methodology, or share features of a new technology. Speakers would explain how to apply this to classroom teaching or research.  At least half of the time would be allotted to allowing attendees to try out or apply what has been presented. Attendees should go away with practical experience or a class-ready product.
  • Product Presentation: (30-60 minutes) Speakers would present information about textbooks, tech products, travel programs, etc., that they are marketing.   They would explain the benefits to teachers and programs. Time should be allowed for questions and feedback.
  • NEW!! Poster presentation: (60 minutes) Speakers stand with their poster for the entirety of the session to answer questions from passers-by. here will be multiple posters being presented at the same time in the area.  Posters themselves may be printed (48"x36") or electronic (on your laptop).  To learn more about poster sessions, visit Poster Sessions - A Beginner's Guide (
  • NEW!! Round Table Discussion: (60 minutes) Leaders facilitate a discussion around a topic of pedagogical or professional interest. Roundtables feature a brief (5-7 minutes) introduction to the topic followed by general discussion.  They are an ideal format for networking and in-depth discussion on a topic of interest.

An individual may appear on the program once as a main or sole presenter (either oral presentation or poster presentation) and once as a panel or workshop co-presenter or a Round Table leader (two appearances total). 

Deadline for submission: January 15, 2019

Presenters' ACL membership must be current at the time of submission. 

Use this Session Submission Form to submit proposals.

Pre-Institute this year will consist only of excursions that explore the Classical traditions in New York City.

The Local Committee is working with area experts to put together some exciting adventures. 


The American Classical League

860 NW Washington Boulevard | Suite A | Hamilton, OH 45013
Phone: 513-529-7741 | Fax: 513-529-7742

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